What’s holding you back from your dreams?
Is it fear of success?
Fear of failing?
Or maybe it’s a combination of both.
Or it’s the feeling that you’re too young, too old, not smart enough, or too broke.
No matter your fear, this is a reminder that you are enough exactly as you are right now.
You don’t need to take another class or earn more money, or change who you are.
You can start taking steps towards your dream today.
I often need this reminder myself, and this poem came from one of my deepest fear: that I don’t have what it takes to be a successful writer and artist.
Poem: you are enough
Intuition will Listen
Inspiration will come
Stop and Listen
your soul is whispering,
“you are enough.”
Poem and Art by Jayleen Gerace
brush pen art

Writing Prompt: Use positive affirmations to overcome negative beliefs.
- Open your journal to a blank page and write your dream at the top of the page.
- Now set a timer for 10 minutes. List as many limiting beliefs that you can think of that makes it so you will not achieve this dream. Let your inner critic out of its cage and go wild on the page. Try your best to just let the thoughts flow without self-editing or backtracking.
- Now that all your limiting beliefs are down on the page, take 3 deep breaths. Take note of how you feel.
- Take all of your negative beliefs and write a positive affirmation next to them.
For example, “I don’t have what it takes to be a successful writer and artist.” becomes “I’m learning the skills and mindsets it takes to be a successful writer and artist.”
“I’m too old to be an astronaut.” becomes “My wisdom and life experience are essential to be an astronaut.”
What limiting beliefs do you have that keep you away from your dreams?
Let me know in the comments, then write a positive affirmation next to this negative belief.
For example, “I don’t have what it takes to be a successful writer and artist.” becomes “I’m learning the skills and mindsets it takes to be a successful writer and artist.”